We are the compass for change. We make society better. Since its foundation in 2010 iDROPS vzw has built a strong reputation in social innovation. We work with individuals and vulnerable groups as well as with organizations and the government. Together with all these actors we tackle social issues and translate them into sustainable, positive solutions and at best also into policy. We want to make society better. We do this by turning existing ways of thinking and doing upside down. We awaken and question. Then we help create new systems and dynamics. We do this close to home and throughout the world. Always departing from that same dream: lasting well-being. This is what truly warms us. This is what we get up with it and go to sleep with.
Our expertise covers 4 major areas:
- Care and well-being
- Education and future proof skills
- Sustainability and ecology
- Diversity and inclusion
Obviously, a project can possibly cover multiple areas of expertise.
There are many ways to make society better. We are re-viewers and we use a wide range of methodologies, tools and change strategies, which we continuously develop and improve based on new insights. We believe that every issue is different and that therefore every solution is.
Website: www.idrops.org/en