1. Problem Analysis – 7 Steps to Success in Erasmus + Strategic Partnership Projects

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Doing problem analysis wrongly is the main mistake that Insititutions and project managers often make when designing projects. The initial mistakes at this stage, which is the first and most important step of the project management cycle, directly affect the whole project process and the result. At this point, actual causes of the problem which is aimed to be solved through an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project, should be anayzed. Also, you will be able to understand the real problem and factors affecting it via the following questions which will help you to focus on solutions properly.

Keep in mind! You can not solve all problems of the world with a single project!

Let’s have a look at the following questions and answer them

  • In which kind of thematic area you will develop a project?

(Unemployment, entrepreneurship, disadvantageousness, refugees, health, sports etc.)

Here are some of the European Commission’s thematic areas of priority under Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships

Thematic Area of your project:

– What are the main needs of your target group and  the institution(s) that you will develop projects together related to this thematic area, and what are the reasons for not meeting the needs?

  • (S/he wants to work but can not find a job since he doesn’t have any occupation – S/he wants to start his own business but has no initial capital – S/he wants to sell handmade socks to abroad but doesn’t know about online marketing channels – S/he wants to expand the project management capacity of the companies in his city, but does not have the tools to serve etc.)

What is the primarly need of the target group in your project?

Why this need can’t be met by individuals’ or related institutions’ itself?

What will you focus on in your project and which need will it cover?

For example ; developing a project to reduce youth unemployment in a city can be a start. There are dozens of different ways and methods for this. Let’s write down what possible ideas;

1. To develop a project that will create public opinion about youth unemployment. As a result, decision makers will be encouraged to introduce a law that gives variety incentives to the companies that have at least %30 of young employees in the company.

2. To provide occupation for the unemployed young people in the target group of the institution. To create employment by organizing different training programs in this subject, as a result, to enable young people to conduct job interviews with companies.

3. Encouraging youngs to start their own business. To organize different trainings and mentoring programs fort his objective. Support them with key subjects required to run a business such as;  business plan, logistics, funds, capital and marketing.

4. To establish a design center within the institution for young people aged between 18 and 25. young people should first be trained in this center on design and then be directly employed.

5. To develop a project for  transferring the models on reducing unemployment applied by developed countries and to ensure that these models are implemented succesfully in local.

As you can see, there are dozens of different ways of reducing youth unemployment in a city. No project can apply all of these methods alone. Even if you try to apply it is very difficult to succeed.

So, in order to develop an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership creating real impact, it is essential to select the most appropriate single area based on a comprehensive problem analysis to maximize efficiency and capacity of the institutions that will carry out the project

Now you know the problem you want to focus on. Let’s deliver a solution.

You can get detailed information by clicking on the following text.

2. Solution Suggestion – 7 Steps to Success in Erasmus + Strategic Partnership Projects