
Erasmus+ Programme 2021-2027

We welcome Erasmus+ 2021 – 2027 program. The Commission today adopted the first annual work program of Erasmus+ 2021-2027. As an EDI, we continue to support and be part of it. Can’t wait to start new partnership opportunities. Contact us for new ideas, cooperations, and impactful projects via The Commission today adopted the first […]
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The new program will continue to provide learning and mobility opportunities for pupils, apprentices, young people, students and teachers. It will have a strong focus on the inclusion of people with fewer opportunities and will strengthen transnational cooperation opportunities for universities, vocational education and training institutions. Erasmus+ will continue to support cooperation in the field […]
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Now Sprint! Accellerator Program

We are happy to introduce our partnership with the Now Sprint! Accelerator Program! This is an accelerator program by Stage-Co. European Development Network will be a supporting partner of the Program. Do you have a new initiative? Are you an institution that believes in innovation and entrepreneurship? No matter what stage you are in, what technology […]
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We all know that combating climate change and environmental pollution is an important issue for the European Union. So what does the European Union’s environmental policy aim? The environmental policy of the European Union is to ensure sustainable development by preventing, reducing and preventing pollution, ensuring that natural resources are used in a way that […]
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What is green entrepreneurship and why is it important?

What is green entrepreneurship and why is it important? The most important issues of today are protecting the environment and leaving a clean environment to future generations. It is important for the development of green entrepreneurship that the viewpoint of the society towards nature and green production is changing day by day and promoting it. […]
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The European Development Network Summit’s Projects

The European Development Network Summit has shown its importance with the help of all of its members and participants of the Summit. During the Summit, 7 different consortiums for 7 different project ideas were established with the involvement of 37 institutions! The European Development Network, together with its members, is preparing to bring these great […]
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Social and Physical Inclusion of Paraplegic Youth by Using Virtual Reality

People living with disabilities encounter obstacles on a daily basis that make the world less accessible. One billion people in the world have some sort of disability and these individuals must deal with physical barriers, discriminatory attitudes, and other challenges. Virtual reality provides opportunities for many for socialization, adventure, and experiences they may not in […]
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PeaceCraft 2.0 – Let’s Craft Peace Together

Refugees and migration are controversial and polarising topics across Europe. However, increasing diversity is a reality that brings opportunities and challenges. Instead of deepening the division on the topic, more than ever constructive dialogue is essential. Moreover, today (young) refugees are a part of society. To overcome the growing tension in society and to seize […]
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EDN Research : Covid-19 impact on young people and on the youth sector among Europe

Unemployment rates for teenagers and young adults have already been drawing attention since the Euro and financial crisis. The COVID-19 outbreak has lead to a new line of contortions in markets in many countries. Although the initial developments regarding official youth unemployment numbers were fairly diverse internationally. The unemployment numbers fell critically low and sharply […]
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Local Workshop of the “Young Ideas Sustainable Cities” Project

“On March 7-8, 2020, Erasmus Plus (KA3) Structured Dialogue: Local Workshop of the “Young Ideas Sustainable Cities” project was carried out within the scope of the “Meeting Between Decision-Makers in Youth and Youth” program. Speakers, panelists and participants have worked in different workshops and produced the Solutions Policy for Sustainable Cities for 2 days on […]
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