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SUT is one of the most prestigious and top-ranked technical universities in Poland with over of 70 years tradition in didactics, research and science. When created, the University consisted of 4 faculties. Now it is one of the biggest technical universities in Poland. Recently received status of Research University, which was granted to only ten the best universities in Poland. Located in the centre of Upper Silesia, the biggest industrial region in Poland, the SUT contributes actively to the growth of the region and its development. Its main objective has always been focused on education and training of highly component professionals in various fields of technology.

There are 13 faculties and 2 teaching centres, including among others. The Silesian University of Technology carries out fundamental and applied research in several subjects being one of the leading Polish institutions in these activities. Simultaneously the University prepares well-educated engineers for Polish industry as well as for the needs of the region. Some courses taught here are unique in the Polish educational system. The University has established close links with industry all over the country consequently contributing to the improvement of industrial processes.

Wide co-operation with centres abroad is another important element of the University’s development. The SUT has been awarded several grants within the framework of various programmes such as Tempus, Copernicus, Jean Monet, Leonardo da Vinci, Horizon 2020.
